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Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:07 pm
by Monsonmotors
Yes, the Ross stuff is nice to look at...maybe a little heavy to steer. :)
I grabbed a hold of a steering wheel in a 1940 Packard ambulance. It was like power steering in contrast. Recirculating ball? I suspect so.
You move quickly! Way to go!
On my stuff, being a lazy butt I left the wooden "puzzle pieces" in place and connected them with angle iron, channel, strap.
Yours are rotten. Bummer.

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:33 pm
by mkebaird
Packard ambulance? The connections keep coming! A good friend of mine had a '40 back in the '80's. Very cool - same front clip as the car.

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:42 pm
by Monsonmotors
Oh dear Lord..
Mine was owned by the same Cholame Ambulance Co. that took actor James Dean to the hospital in 1955. It was parked in the middle of a vineyard in Kingsburg, CA. The grapevines had grown through it. The owner called it a "Ford".
It was the military version! Different from the civilian version. Had more air ventilation. Spare tire in opposite wheel well. Just so strange! And expensive at the time. It was covered in white latex house paint. I stripped one door and voila! Cholame Amulance Service. Just uber-cool.
I sold it on ebay to an undertaker in the Northwest. He had other Packards like it. I'll try to find it online.
Great memory! Thanks!

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 10:50 am
by mkebaird
My truck keeps on giving - here are a couple of items I found while cleaning it out. I posted a picture of the key chain in another post - very excited to have an 'original' key for the ignition. The receipt I found under the seat, from Jay's Texaco, dated 9-28-53, $1.35 for a flat repair and a radiator cap! Remember, this truck has 20" split rims!

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 11:06 am
by Monsonmotors
And the f@@@er CHARGED it!
That's a lot of value for $1.35!

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:39 pm
by mkebaird
Time to start taking the cab apart. The windshield of course was rusted in place, hopefully not in too bad condition. Combination of wrenches and grinder got the job done. Nice electric wiper motor (Dyneto). I soaked the windshield frame in molasses for about 4 weeks, then a little wire brushing and it looks pretty good. Hinge is still stiff but once I get it bolted down it should work ok.

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:12 pm
by Monsonmotors
Your workbench looks like mine!

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:52 am
by mkebaird
Yes - the only clean place in my shop is the floor!
On to taking the cab apart. Separated the roof, then slid the back of the cab off the frame. I do not recommend my method of removing the roof, although it did the job. When I put it back on I'll get some help! Couldn't get the door pins out, I'll work on that when it's apart.

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 12:35 pm
by Monsonmotors
Very cool!

Re: C35 'pickup'

PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:18 pm
by mkebaird
Got the motor pulled and mostly taken apart. I think it needs an oil change!
After sitting 58 years, it looks like the deposits in the oil separated - when I drained the pan, the oil looked new! Then I found about 1" of sludge in the pan. Check out the bearings, looks like the metal is actually breaking down and is deposited on the crank.
I need to check the clearances and plan to use plastigage. I haven't found any engine spec's for this FAB3, does anyone have a suggestion where to look? I need torque spec's for mains, rods, head, flywheel.