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What is this guy smoking?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:02 am
by BlindSquirrel36C-30
Wow! a steal at any price, and look it will only cost you $50 bucks to have a single sheet of paper shipped to your front door. :t3717: Oh wait, that's right, weed is legal in my state. What was I thinking? ... Swo4pYR48b

Re: What is this guy smoking?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 12:39 am
by nikkinutshop
So, I clicked on the picture and saved it to my The other IHC file. From there I used PAINT to change the size then sent the picture to the printer in my wife's office.

Re: What is this guy smoking?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:27 pm
by BlindSquirrel36C-30
Well that's no fun any more. The listing was changed and now it's free shipping. He must have put the pipe down and backed away from the weed, or ran out of brownies.

Re: What is this guy smoking?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:46 pm
by nikkinutshop
Now, everybody will have one.
Some of my best ideas are stolen form pictures on the 'net, the other good ideas come from looking at vehicles in the auto wrecker. (recycler)
Rather than spending nearly $100 for a new impact switch to turn off the electric fuel pump, I buy them at my Ford Recycler for $10 including the connector and pigtail. Smoking!!
On the off-chance the pictures have a water-mark or cannot be copied, I take a picture, off the computer screen, with my Blackberry Priv and then "do-the-deed". My Blackberry has an 18 MP camera with some special features.