WaterPump Conversion for 1937

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Yard Art
Yard Art

Posts: 67

Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:01 pm

Location: Everett Washington ( Washington State )

Post Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:36 pm

WaterPump Conversion for 1937

I've got a 1937 IHC D-2 with an HD-213 Engine. The original water pump ( which I intend to keep ), is the original water pump with the felt packing and grease cup - no bearings for that year. Now, I also have a water pump ( with bearings ) from a 1940 IHC 214 cubic inch engine. My question is, will the newer water pump fit on a 1937 IHC D-2 and work correctly? When I look at both pumps, they look almost the same in regards to size and shape. Not much difference, it's just the packing versus bearings that are notable. Thanks. George.

Rusty Driver
Rusty Driver

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Post Fri Sep 26, 2014 5:48 pm

Re: WaterPump Conversion for 1937

George, I've had both types of pumps on D-2's I own or owned (used to be 4 and now down to one). The pumps are interchangeable for HD and GRD engines. However you have to pay attention to shaft threads, keyways (if any) and fittings on the forward end of the pump shaft so that you wind up with a pulley and fan flange and fan that will fit your engine compartment. Plus the three pulleys need to line up. You should be OK.
Incidentally I have had the older style open type pump give good service. Water pump grease and new packing material are available from Restoration Supply http://www.restorationstuff.com (pages 21 and 23 of their 2014 catalog). I'm sure many other places carry this.

Yard Art
Yard Art

Posts: 67

Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:01 pm

Location: Everett Washington ( Washington State )

Post Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:42 pm

Re: WaterPump Conversion for 1937

Ok. That's great advice. The engine is not in yet, however, I think once it's done, I will put the parts in place on the engine and see how they all fit until I get it just right. I won't be selling the original packing water pump, I'll just package it and store it for safe keeping. I did have the newer pump rebuilt and it's ready to be installed. Thanks again!

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