Manual of A-2 Scans?

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Post Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:05 pm

Manual of A-2 Scans?

I was wondering if anyone had a scanned copy of a manual of anything related to an A-2? I see them online from $40 on up to $90 and have the code MT-20B and are dated around 1936. I'm looking for something from 1932, but I'm guessing that the 300-page MT-20B was maybe the definitive parts manual for these trucks as I've seen several copies of it online (originals and copies.) I'm also on the lookout for any repair manuals/workshop manuals for the A2.

I'm willing to scan and make copies or a pdf as well as I do have a scanner.

After this long, I would supposed this information is public domain, but not for sure. Does anyone have any ideas on the legalities of this? I don't want to be causing trouble and I need some information. Thanks!

Nebraska Erin

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Post Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:28 pm

Re: Manual of A-2 Scans?

I think that making a copy for yourself would not be a real issue, however if you were looking to Sell them, That would have to be something that should be run by the legal department.

Just my thoughts


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Post Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:42 pm

Re: Manual of A-2 Scans?

Nope - not looking to sell - simply making it available for free to anyone that needs it. About 7 years ago I scanned in the documentation for the AMF McCulloch-powered moped and linked to it from another forum. To this day, I still get people writing me thank you notes after they downloaded the information. That's kind of my point - to have a free depository of this information so as to help as many people as possible who need it.


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Post Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:47 pm

Re: Manual of A-2 Scans?

Erin, I do not see a problem with that. You see in the "Library" area several folks who have done that, We would welcome your putting a link to your area and you could talk to Jim about "copying" it to one of his areas. Look forward to seeing more!

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Golden Jubilee
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Post Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:38 am

Re: Manual of A-2 Scans?

Contact the people at the Wisconsin Historical Society and if they have got a copy of the manual they will photocopy it and send it to you, a small fee applies for this service. ... Nav=N:1167

They are really nice to deal with and I have had a few things copied and sent to me here in Australia.

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Post Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:43 pm

Re: Manual of A-2 Scans?

Trevor - this is a great idea. I got in touch with the Waukesha Engine Historical Society requesting mechanic-related information for the Waukesha XAH engine. Today in the mail I received 2 plastic spine bound copies of the Waukesha parts list for model XAH and then a repair manual for the XAHU power unit (which for all intents and purposes was the same thing.) I breezed through it and it's exactly what I needed. They sent me a nice letter that says they accept donations so I plan on sending them a nice donation. I will reference the information at and see if they can help me. Thanks for the suggestion!


BTW: I watched the video of you driving your SL-34 (is that the right number?) on the roads of Australia. I went nuts trying to figure out what the name of the song was. I finally enlisted the help of a music-ID service and hummed the song. It said it was Marty Robbins' Devil Woman and indeed I had been hearing the voice in my head of Merle Haggard who did a Marty Robbin' impression of the song. LOL!
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Golden Jubilee
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Post Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:05 am

Re: Manual of A-2 Scans?


Now don't be shy in forwarding a copy of the Waukesha engine book as we are always keen for more knowledge.

Yes it is a SL-34, so far we have only located 4 surviving worldwide.

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