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Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:56 pm
by slospeed
I don't know why but your pictures are still upside down.

Does the guard have to go back a fair bit to centralise in the wheel arch or is it just the angle you have taken the picture.


Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:11 pm
by Smog_guy
I'm probably a foot from having fenders centered on the tires. It's how I do it. I move it in closer in stages. Brake lines get moved around, thick wiring harnesses get re-routed, very possibly the radiator support will need to be sectioned.
There's plenty of inner fender that needs to be cut out neatly with the plasma cutter.
Engine pulleys will be VERY close to radiator. Radiator may need to be moved forward.
I will know much more tomorrow night.
I just don't know what to do about the upside down pictures. I'm not giving up the ipad, it's too useful for work and hobby.
I checked again and the ipad IS in it's case right side up.
I will do more research. I know I'm not the only one who is having this problem.
Thanks for telling me, Trevor!

Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:32 pm
by lbesq
just wondering, why couldn't you use an electric fan in front of the radiator, instead of pulling, you push the air, kind of like BMW does. There should be enough room in the nose of the front end. Just my thoughts

Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:51 pm
by Smog_guy
Excellent idea, Lloyd!
BTW, I did some research on the upside-down picture thing.
It's very, very common with ipads and iphones.
Evidently, my ipad tells the receiving computer which way to orient the picture with a "tag" that must be read.
Some computers don't have the software to recognize these "tags" when a photograph comes in.
Could that be true?

Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:23 am
by lbesq
Will ask Jim about the Picture thing, the pictures you posted on the 17th and 19th were both right side up, do you remember how they were taken/posted that might be different from the latest ones? I log on with FireFox and I have logged on with Google Chrome, and IE I see no difference in how the pictures display. Perhaps it is at the server, will ask Jim that question also. You did state that you had turned the I-pad upside down before you posted the two pictures on the 17th and 19th.
As others have stated, I just open them up in a new window and they are right side up.

Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:46 am
by WEW51L110
I double click on the photos in the posting and they are still up-side down on my work PC. When I pull up the forum on my iphone, the photos appear right side up automatically. iphone and ipads seem to know to invert them, but other computers do not always know what direction to orient them, apparently.

I know when my wife takes a photo with her iphone, she tilts it to the right so that the metal shutter release on the side of the case (+ button) is at the top of the phone. I, on the other hand, tilt the iphone to the left (shutter release button is then down) but I use the shutter release that is on the touch sensitive display to trigger a photo. Her pictures appear on other PC's up-side-down and mine do not. If she or I leave the iphone vertical (with the metal shutter release (+) button to the top left side, touch sensitive button to the bottom of the screen) all our photos come out right-side-up on all computers. We do not have an ipad, so I can only speak to the operation of the iphone, but I suspect (IMHO) there is some quirk of which way the ipad is tilted (right/left) to take the photo that results in an up-side-down photo. Others may have had different experiences, but that's what I have found.

Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:56 am
by slospeed
Yep same thing here when I look on the home computer upside down, now look on the iPad and they are right way up.

It's weird.


Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:17 am
by Smog_guy
For now and as an experiment I will remove the ipad from its case and take pictures "up side down" for awhile. Strange,

Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:40 pm
by Smog_guy
These pictures were taken and sent with ipad upside down.
A quick measure of the upper control arm on the Tacoma frame gave me a guestimate of about 12" wide and 4" tall as a place to begin in the removal of louvered inner fender.
I KNOW the upper control arm is more or less centered in the wheel well. So that's where I'll cut.
Turns out wear and tear of the inner fenders has already cracked through a section very close to what I was going to cut anyway. So I go with the flow sometimes.
You may ask if I get pleasure from butchering old sheetmetal. No I don't. However, in this case the inner fender was badly cracked through in the areas I needed to modify. This is how I justify what I do sometimes.
At any rate, the 1938 IHC D-2 front sheetmetal has to be modified to fit on the Tacoma frame if I'm ever going to drive this little beer truck.

Re: ACME Beer Truck

PostPosted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:55 am
by slospeed
Well looky here ipad upside down makes pictures right way up on my computer and on my ipad. Easy fix just take your pictures upside down from now on.
