1931 A-2 Parts

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Posts: 14

Joined: Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:58 am

Post Tue Aug 05, 2014 3:50 pm

Re: 1931 A-2 Parts

(1) by all means check with the Hist Soc--you'll want to ask if the XAH oil pump was used on the rest of the series (X, XA, XAH (XAHU?) XAK, AND if that oil pump was used on any of the OTHER Wauk engines of the period...I suppose you should also ask if that was a Wauk pump or if, by chance, they used a vendor pump that might've gone into other m'f'dr's engines...
(2) these Xs were apparently extensively used in Ag eqpmt, and almost certainly "industrial" eqpmt (gensets etc), so in searching for a pump also post in old-tractor and old eqpmt sites..
(3) I've got a list of X, XA, XAH installations somewhere in my notes (the XAK must've been almost wholly Ag/Ind'l); I can email what's on the list when you find out which Xs your oil pump fits.


Posts: 6

Joined: Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:58 am

Post Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:30 pm

Re: 1931 A-2 Parts


I was fortunate enough today to find one in Minnesota, not far from where I got the truck, so I am good to go there.
Now it's just getting the truck home and getting to work on it :D


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