Virtual Front Porch

Just keep it clean please....

Golden Jubilee
Golden Jubilee

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Post Sun Sep 29, 2019 4:01 pm


In the 1960s, my friend owned and often drove his Porsche 904GTS. I drove a Porsche 356SC at that time.
One day, my friend called to ask if I could weld a few cracks in the 904 exhaust. We traded cars for a day so I could put his 904 in the shop.
At that time I did not know how much of a privilege and rare opportunity is was to drive this GTS. In those days it was just an old race car. In 2019 the 904 has become worth millions.
My wife and I were driving south on a main road. About 4 blocks ahead we saw a hitch-hiker with his thumb out. As the 904 got clos, the hiker dropped to his knees. The 904 was almost low enough to drive under a dinner table.
I have pictures. I hope these pictures are the correct ones.
Getting old is not great. I am old enough to have been around when these cars were common. For this, I am thankful.
I often think of my friend and occasionally call him to remind him that he is responsible my driving Porsche for nearly 3 decades. I can say with confidence, PORSCHE, there is no substitute.
Porsche 904GTS
904GTS.jpg (16.31 KiB) Viewed 3598 times
Porsche 356SC
I would rather have tools I do not need than to need tools I do not have
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Golden Jubilee
Golden Jubilee

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Post Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:30 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

What do you say to comfort a sad grammar teacher? There, their, they're .
I would rather have tools I do not need than to need tools I do not have
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Golden Jubilee
Golden Jubilee

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Post Thu Oct 10, 2019 8:35 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

I went to my Dentist for my biannual checkup. He asked if I had ever used an electric toothbrush. I said I just got my first one. I went on to tell him the electric brush worked so well, I will try it on my teeth next time.
I would rather have tools I do not need than to need tools I do not have
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Golden Jubilee
Golden Jubilee

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Post Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:32 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

It is Thanksgiving on Monday Canada. Many Canadians, including our family, observe TG today, Sunday.
My wife bought a free-range turkey and it is in the oven. There will be all of the familiar North American side dishes and a few Danish and German condiments from our heritage. My favorite is the Danish fermented and spiced red cabbage flavored with blackberries. It takes two years to make this stuff.
My wife makes the best pumpkin pie. She developed her recipe to what it is from my mother's 100 year old country recipe.
We are expecting guests to arrive later. Rather than invite friends who have too much and their own families, My daughter said we should invite persons we know of who do not have family. So this is what is happening, today.
A few years ago, we used to invite homeless persons to supper at birthdays, Christmas and Thanksgiving. We saw often these persons outside of the grocery store where we shop.
One older man I got to know came for supper on my b'day a few years. He had developed terrible shaking. McDonalds would give these guys coffee and the staff would give this man half cups so he would be less likely to spill. Refills were free. It was a very sad day. for me, when I called and was told the old gentleman had died. He used to wonder by the shop and watch me work on my projects. This old guy was so over-joyed when I asked him to lend a hand. His family was in Ontario and he had not heard from any of then in decades.
My biker friend used to say, The best gifts a person can give is time, attention and concern. He went on to say, These gifts always give back." For those other "special" occasions, he used to say, "If in doubt, punch them out."
I would rather have tools I do not need than to need tools I do not have
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Rusty Driver
Rusty Driver

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Post Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:49 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

Thank you for sharing that second paragraph, the world needs more people like your daughter. She has the right idea and belongs to a wonderful family also.

As for the menu you described, I hope you got your electric toothbrush.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

Golden Jubilee
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Post Sun Oct 13, 2019 6:02 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

I have been using my new electric toothbrush. I have a smile like Donny Osmond and a voice like Cher.
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Golden Jubilee
Golden Jubilee

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Post Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:34 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

If there were a few more families in the world like yours Nikkinutshop, the world would be a better place. Luke

Golden Jubilee
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Post Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:59 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

I mentioned this family thing to encourage others to give it a try.
We are one of many people who support a local charity called The Union Gospel Mission. The UGM feeds hundreds of people down on their luck. The UGM has extra emergency shelter for the homeless on the bad weather nights.
Not all homeless persons are good guests in a home, so support for the UGM offers the opportunity to be involved without the elevated risk.
The charitable work of the UGM has the attention of local media. Their TV personalities like to be seen serving dinner on the holidays. The positive take on this is the UGM benefits from the attention.
Many of these charities can be added to a credit card as a monthly amount the card holder sets.
Christmas is coming. It is time to check our list of who is needy and nice.
I would rather have tools I do not need than to need tools I do not have
Artificial intelligence is no match for real stupidity....

Rusty Driver
Rusty Driver

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Post Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:11 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

When my sainted mother was alive she would always host Thanksgiving dinner. You never knew who would be there when you arrived. Sometimes someone she worked with that had no family in town, or someone whose spouse recently passed away, or a long lost relative that she had tracked down. She was a talented and generous lady whom I miss daily.

My wife and I go to my nieces for Thanksgiving. She tells us how many will be there and we bring the food. They have 3 children, the youngest is severely disabled and requires constant care, a duty shared by all the other family members. This year there will be 8 or 9 plus my wife and I. The niece lives 170 miles from us so it makes for a long day with about 6 hours drive time plus the dinner and visiting. I am looking forward to it again this year.
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Golden Jubilee
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Post Tue Oct 15, 2019 2:04 pm

Re: Virtual Front Porch

My nephew and I missed the family thanksgiving meal as we were busy with harvest. Weather has been horrendous and harvest is so late we have to take advantage of every hour its dry. They gathered in the field I was working in later on near sundown for a combine ride and I ate my thanksgiving meal in the drivers seat of the combine while picking up canola swath. PLenty to be thankful for here.

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