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Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 7:20 am
by WEW51L110
Looks like some of that Pacific coast was trying to get in for some of those good breakfasts you keep showing us. Good that you found it.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 12:12 pm
by nikkinutshop
This neighbourhood has changed a lot. All of the nice looking ladies got old, dyed their hair blue and moved to Florida.
Have any of the big blows caused you any grief? We have had a few big blowjobs this year. They usually follow a heavy rein. The ground gets mushy and the big trees get blown over. It is rare to have a power outage, but I have had two in the last month. I had an urban logger take down the tall trees on our property. The last wind damage here was my rag and tube carport. 105730

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:25 am
by WEW51L110
As of this posting, the big blows have avoided us here in Central Florida so far this season. We’ve lived in our house since April, 1987. In 2004, we had 3 hurricanes pass directly over us and 3 years ago we had another one pass directly over. In Florida, we go from June, 1 to Nov., 30, every year in hurricane season. Weather is always on our minds. Yes it is the “Sunshine State” and we have an abundance of it daily, but when it’s time to pay attention, that’s exactly what’s expected. We’ve had a tree fall and some shingles blown off, but because we take care of our house and put shutters up to keep our windows from blowing in, we have suffered more from loss of power than from wind damage. So, we had a whole house generator installed and we won’t loose all our refrigerated and frozen food as a result of no electricity. As a general rule, by the time a storm reaches Central Florida, it is diminished enough to be more survivable.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2020 6:06 pm
by nikkinutshop
It is very Smokey here. The weather channel says the smoke is coming front Californios, Oregon and Washington states. There is a suggestion that the temperature has dropped to 17c from the expected 25c-27c, because of the heavy smoke blocking the sun.
On a normal clear day, I can see Vancouver Island from the family room. Today, I cannot see my neighbour's house, across the lane. The smoke is too heavy for me, so I am inside today, again. 105990 ... -1.5102401

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 7:21 pm
by cornbinder89
RBG died today, things are going to get really nasty down here.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:36 pm
by Binder Mike
cornbinder89 wrote:RBG died today, things are going to get really nasty down here.

Should this be in the politics thread and yes the supreme court will now be stacked for the rest of our lifetimes. Many will be clueless as to the damage that is about to be done. I wish poor old Ruth could have held on until November.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:41 pm
by cornbinder89
Well, I guess its how you look at it, I don't think it is strictly political, We lost a good woman today, She was 1st woman to make the Supreme Court.
And no matter what you think, it is going to be storm.
Edit, 2nd woman on the court. my mistake. How could I forget Sandra Day ?

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:57 pm
by Binder Mike
A fuss can be made but will anybody be able stop another appointment of someone of the likes of Brett Kavanaugh (sp) before election day. Surely Trump / GOP will ramrod someone of their choosing through before Nov. 3. Dark days are ahead of us.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 9:29 pm
by hattrick4467
And the problem with Brett Cananaugh is? Do you have an actual clue on his history and track record? Or it TDS setting in here? I watched every minute of the hearings and that was an absolute shame. Why are you saying he is not qualified? Is it is going to do his job and follow the constitution and laws?

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:09 pm
by Binder Mike
A person with a history of binge drinking and sexual assault has no business on the supreme court. Please cite any previous decisions on lower courts that prove him to be an outstanding judicial prospect. He's not much of a man either seeing as Kamala Harris could reduce him to tears on the stand. Another privileged frat boy with no real qualifications brought to power by the GOP to bring this country even farther to the right. Trump and Co. love flunkies. This is just another symptom of America teetering on the verge fascism. This goes on much longer and we'll all be doing the goose step. You'll wake up one day and not recognize your country but by then it will be too late. I don't know you personally, maybe you'll be OK with that.