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Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 6:21 pm
by nikkinutshop
My son's Jeep got all new studs and one new wheel. They are awake now. Lots of apologies.
There was a fatal fiery crash on the Canada side of the Peace Arch Border Crossing, this morning. The witnesses say a Porsche Cayenne drove into a stopped Toyota van. The van driver was killed instantly. The Cayenne was driving at an estimated 100+kmh. Both vehicles left the road and came to rest in a flower garden.
Google for pictures and a video

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Thu May 02, 2019 8:35 pm
by nikkinutshop
I was waiting, for my wife to finish shopping. I was in my Ram truck and watching the Girl Guides sell their cookies. I waved at one of the Girl Guides and asked her how many boxes of cookies I could get for $100. She started yelling Mom!, Mom!, that guy wants to buy $100 of cookies. The mother calmly collected my $100 and had two of the Girl Guides put some cases in the back of the truck. The Mother said she will use this as a teaching moment. MMMM good cookies and better with coffee.
Coincidence: The girl guides still walk our neighbourhood, door to door. My wife answered the door and the GG were there selling cookies. My wife said, "I will take $100 worth." the little girls started yelling and jumping around, "MOM, MOM. We have lots of cookies. The chocolate ones taste better this year. I got taken advantage of willingly. The cookies cost more than $100 each time. I am OK with that.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2019 4:01 pm
by nikkinutshop
You Tube recommended this video. I clicked on it and really enjoyed this lady. She is charming and ever so easy on the eyes. I did like and subscribe. I think it would be nice of a few member of the forum did a subscribe and thumb up to help her along with her channel. She and her channel remind me of my childhood on a farm is Alberta.
I have not seen and Old IHC on this channel yet, but, this would be the place for a Binder.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2019 11:52 pm
by Ralph Goff
Have not had much time to watch youtube lately as it remains cold and dry here so I'm in one of the tractors every day the past couple of weeks. I did take a few minutes this evening to upload a short clip of me loading fertilizer into the air seeder. Brief views of the IH Loadstar and 7130 Magnum tractor. Both old and out dated compared to most of what you will see in the fields here these days.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Sun May 19, 2019 6:55 pm
by nikkinutshop
I filled fuel tank of my 2500 Ram Diesel, today, Diesel is much less than the $1.719/liter gasoline See the pictures for some OMG.
The truck went 568 kilometers on the amount of fuel showing at the pump.. There was a sign on the pump suggesting they were out of premium fuel until late today.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2019 12:53 am
by nikkinutshop

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2019 3:13 pm
by nikkinutshop
I bought a new walker yesterday. I was told is was made in USA. There is no indication of another country being involved. The Canadian price is $398. I get 100% of that back on my taxes. The tax relief is only on a new walker bought at a recognised store. Craigslist walkers do not qualify for the tax relief.
The build quality is extraordinary.
The health and mobility store where I bought this walker has too many "specialists". the Walker specialist was out on a call and none of the other employees were willing or more likely able to offer assistance or recommendations. Jose from the service shop saved the day. He identified my needs and recommended the walker I bought. Persons like Jose are a treasure and a real benefit to any company they work for. I was ready to walk away in anger and go elsewhere. ... EOEALw_wcB

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2019 11:28 pm
by nikkinutshop
I was watching a You Tube video. There was a flash of light and the Hydro was lost in this area. 660 without power. This has happened, maybe, 4 times in 40 years.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 2:08 pm
by nikkinutshop
About 50 years ago, I was building backgammon boards for a hobby and profit. One of the woods I used was teak. I bought a clear teak plank for $17. I never did use it and it is stored in my basement. I just checked the price of teak. That piece of this teak plank is about $500cnd in 2019.
So, why am I checking this now. A wood hobbyist remembered that I have this piece of teak and he wants to have it. I was offered $100.
I said I would check the price on the internet and he immediately offered $250. This is when I became suspicious and decided to check. If he calls back, I am going to hold out for $400. If I see tears, I might entertain $350. What say you?
I think I may have some random pieces of rosewood, probably totalling a couple of board feet.
The backgammon board I kept for myself has rosewood, teak and red-oak woods. The shaker boxes are rosewood. I bought the last ever available ivory dice and doubling cube at a local game store nearly 50 years ago. I do not remember the price, but they were really expensive.
The game pieces are British Columbia green Jade and cream onyx. This board was a present to my then girlfriend and now wife. The board will go to my daughter, eventually.

Re: Virtual Front Porch

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2019 6:42 pm
by Harvey
The board will go to my daughter, eventually.

Nice, I figured you for an all rounded out craftsman and that you certainly are.
Love to see that board you made for your girl.
I work /play mostly with cedar, redwood and Purple Heart.
Wood is good.
Take care -sm