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Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:03 pm
by nikkinutshop
Today, it looks like Canada might be OK as the NAFTA gets taken apart and possibly scrapped. Mexico may be getting screwed. The Peso took another dive and the Canadian loonie went up because of the talk about oil and the pipe-line. ... ty-3306264
What surprises will we see in the future? We just had the biggest surprise.

Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 8:10 pm
by nikkinutshop

Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 10:35 am
by cornbinder89
I just read a news flash: Trump isn't nuts, he is "alternatively sane". :haha: I laughed a good 5 min over that!

Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 1:26 pm
by restoKB1
no, he is a lunatic. scares me sh1tless. hang on for the ride is all I can say.

Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:48 pm
by cornbinder89
restoKB1 wrote:no, he is a lunatic. scares me sh1tless. hang on for the ride is all I can say.

Me too!
It was a poke at Kellyann Conway's "alternative facts".

Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:24 pm
by nikkinutshop
I got it.

Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:48 am
by mikec4193
Give the man a year to figure out what he is doing...he has to realize that private sector where he came from does not run the same as the public sector does...


Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:11 am
by cornbinder89
mikec4193 wrote:Give the man a year to figure out what he is doing...he has to realize that private sector where he came from does not run the same as the public sector does...


Sorry, but things like honesty, integrity and sanity are not things you have to learn, either you have them or you don't!
Founding principles of this country, like freedom of the press and speech should be understood by anyone seeking that office.
There are part of the job that you have to learn, I agree, but you have to bring the basic attributes to the job yourself, and he is lacking these. This isn't about learning a new job, it is about moral character.
For the 1st time in history we have a winner of an election questioning the validity not because he doesn't think he should of won, but because he thinks he should have won by a larger margin. Alternate fact? I can't believe anyone sane would even say that!

Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:17 pm
by restoKB1
the mere fact that he is making some departments lock down communications is enough to cry foul. he is trying to control the media, and thereby control opinion. dictator stuff. and yes I voted so I have a right to voice my opinion.

Re: Donald Trump.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:43 pm
by cornbinder89
I think a big problem is: throughout the campaign, he would say 30 sec sound bites that played to his base. People didn't dig deeper to find out if things he said were true, or what policy he would implement to address what he just tossed out.
The wall is a good example, Mexico was going to pay for it (ya, right) how is he proposing to make that happen? 1st we pay for than get "reimbursed" by a 10-20% boarder tax.... guess what people, its not the Mexicans that pay that tax, but us, the consumers. So we pay once out of the treasury, and then we pay again in higher prices.... Some how that doesn't sound like a good deal to me... but what do I know, I didn't vote for the man.
When we have an electorate that will not, or can not see beyond the 30 sec sound bite, to ask how, why or what the results of these things are, we end up with the blind leading the blind. Remember Bush the 1st saying "read my lips, no new taxes" than having to break that pledge? Sure, I don't want more taxes, but more that that I want someone who will speak the truth, even if it is a truth I don't like.
On day one, he was going to repeal ACA, but that hasn't happened (and for good reasons) as it is not so easy to do without 1) destroying the healthcare system, and 2) getting rid of a lot of points people (even repub's) want to keep. Now, I think the ACA is deeply flawed and needs a lot of work, but I don't want to see some of the gains it has made thrown out for a 30 sec sound bite.