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Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:00 pm
by hattrick4467
Agree on the choices. Keep in mind that Trumps approval was with the Russia Collusion nothing burger and the entire media against him. The Durham investigation is gaining steam. Hope the real truth comes out on that. Biden's approval rating is the lowest of any president in History at this point of his presidency I believe. And that is with the media giving him a pass and not covering a lot of real issues. The American people are not stupid and CNN is figuring that out. Thanks for the discussion.

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2022 6:07 pm
by cornbinder89
Again, Trump's approval rating never broke 50% you can make excuses as to why but that doesn't change it. I am not saying that Biden is doing well, his rating is what he has earned. Neither has please the majority of Americans at least at this point. Trump never did, not sure ever Biden will.
I strongly hope for better choices in 2024.

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2022 10:52 am
by hattrick4467
Well....It looks like Trump was right again about being spied on. It is one corrupt swamp to say the least. Find it most interesting how the mainstream media is not covering the stories on the Durham Investigation. Shocker since they were part of the plan. And no it is not a conspiracy. It really happened. I know that you never Trumpers find it hard to believe. Maybe someday more people will realize that the reason the swamp creatures do not like him is that he was disrupting their gravy train. And more charges will be coming shortly...Guaranteed. For those that have been following the story, the Tech Executive might want to get ready to serve some time. I am hoping Durham takes it right to the source...Including Jake Sullivan...And everyone knows who that was and likely goes back to Obama and Sleeping Joe! Then they can go after the corrupt FBI and the CIA players. Not sure it will happen as it always seems to conveniently stop at the doorstep with a few scapegoat's along the way. Watergate looks like being in Kindergarten compared to this. Again, People are sick of the corruption.

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 11:28 am
by cornbinder89
actually it is covered by main stream media just not warped it into something it is not. The following link is by Business Insider, hardly a left wing fanatic rag, and if anything is right of center. ... d=msedgntp

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 5:38 pm
by hattrick4467
If you are saying because it is in one publication that makes it covered. Really? CNN, MSNBC, NBC and others have not covered it. I think CNN had like 2 minutes of coverage. I wonder why? Could it be that they spent the last 5 years feeding the narrative? I think that is most likely the case. I love Hillary's response to it all. She said that this is happening to deter from the real story. Isn't that what is being proved that she did to detract from her e-mail scandal? The more you watch, the more the Democrats accuse someone of something, it is very likely they are doing exactly that. Unless you are one of the Sheeple of course.

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:33 pm
by cornbinder89
I'm saying it is covered in main stream media, and that it doesn't mean what Fox ONN and others want you to think it means. So far Durham hasn't indicated any criminal behavior other than a minor count of lieing to FBI. That may change but that is all right now.
One person who is authorized to monitor internet server to server connections leaked data connections 2016 (before Trump was in the Whitehouse) to a lawyer who at one time did some work for the DNC. No viewing of what is sent. So it is equivalent to saying someone saw someone in Trump tower mailed a letter with a Russian address. Should the authorized person have disclosed what they saw, likely not, was and criminal laws broken? likely not, should they be fired? likely. The lawyer is was leaked too tried to get the FBI to look into it, they did and found nothing. The Lawyer who talked to the FBI misrepresented who he was working for at the time. There was not "spying" of what Trump (or anyone at the Whitehouse in 2016) was saying. There were some Russin made phones making connections around the WHitehouse and in NewYork. Neither is too surprising given the UN and the Whitehouse would be a place Russian diplomats and spies would target.
Server to server connection data does not show what is transmitted only that there were connections.

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:26 pm
by hattrick4467
The foundation of what Durham is doing will lead to more charges. If nothing else lying to a FISA court. As far as the Tech Company goes. Do some research. The guy was the one in charge of managig and transferring all phone numbers for all carriers nation wide and what he was doing with that data is tied to a data breach that Obama had to deal with. He is part of the swamp. Everyone was sure Hillary was going to win and none of this would have been uncovered. I am not saying Trump is a saint but the reason he is hated by Washington folks is he is disrupting their gravey train. Both sides.

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:02 pm
by cornbinder89
I have done, and everything I said was as it has been layed out. No phone numbers, only meta data (what o server is connecting to what and where) It is routine in cyber security to monitor this. There may be more, but as of right now that is all there is. No fISA questions, the only charge on the books is lieing to the FBI about who Sussman was working for. No tie (at this point anyway ) to the DNC or Clinton. The data picked up Russian phone meta data (connects) and server to server connects, These are things you want to have monitored to keep hackers out.
Fox and others are trying to say it was the DNC's "Watergate" nothing is further from the truth.
Read the many articles from many center of the road news outlets.

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 10:08 am
by hattrick4467
No tie to Hillary Clinton and the DNC? Really? The tech company was hired to mine this data. This is what the latest Durham filing said.
Here is what Durham said...
"Durham said that "Internet Company-1" accessed "dedicated servers for the EOP as part of a sensitive arrangement whereby it provided DNS resolution services to the EOP" and that Joffe and his associates "exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump."
Durham added: "For example, the more complete data that Tech Executive-1 and his associates gathered — but did not provide to Agency-2 — reflected that between approximately 2014 and 2017, there were a total of more than 3 million lookups of Russian Phone-Provider-1 IP addresses that originated with U.S.-based IP addresses. Fewer than 1,000 of these lookups originated with IP addresses affiliated with Trump Tower. In addition, the more complete data assembled by Tech Executive-1 and his associates reflected that DNS lookups involving the EOP and Russian Phone Provider-1 began at least as early 2014 (i.e., during the Obama administration and years before Trump took office) — another fact which the allegations omitted."

No misuse of FISA? Really? That is not even what McCabe and IG report said. Even Bruce Orr told them that they should not use or trust the Dossier.

Once these people start turning on themselves we will know more. Lot's of Grand Jury Investigation. Durham is doing this the way he should and does not leak like Mueller did. Mueller was just a puppet. All you have to do is watch the congressional testimony. I watched it sadly enough. He had no clue what was going on. Very sad. Similar to Joe on his cognitive state.

Sounds like you probably still believe that Trump is somehow tied to Russia like many others. Keep drinking the cool-aid.

Re: politic on the board

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:18 pm
by cornbinder89
You mis understood what I was saying about the FISA warrants. Sussman is not accused of lying to a FISA court.
In the end I think you will be disappointed with the outcome of Durham's work. Even he has come back to distance what he is saying from what the far right is alleging he has said. The is a fair chance that even the one Sussman case will be dismissed, as it will be difficult to prove that a person is acting "for some one" when making a claim. This is what kept Trump Jr from being prosecuted for the Trump tower meeting with Russian operatives. Crimes of intent are hard to prove.